Profitability & Growth Planning

Helping companies find and navigate the path to success

We find joy in helping people reach their goals and in becoming successful

For over 25 years, Strategic Business Advisory & Tax has been on a mission to serve our clients by providing exceptional accounting and consulting services. Over the past few years, we have seen a growing need in our clients for help understanding where their business has room to grow and how to navigate the paths to their specific goals.​​
Our extensive accounting and business backgrounds put us in the perfect position to serve in an even more meaningful way than we have in the past. Rather than focusing on helping our clients after decisions have been made, we are moving to a proactive relationship style. We want to use our experience to help our clients make the best and most informed decisions for their companies.

How We Help

​​​​​​​Business Planning & Diagnostic Meeting

We start with gaining an understanding of both you and your business. Driven by your definition of success, together we come up with long-term goals and a plan to put you on the path to that success.

Company Synopsis & History

Why did you start your company? What were you trying to achieve? Where your company began and the path it took to get here helps guide us on where your company should go.

Company Analysis

What are your company's strengths and weaknesses? What are your competitors doing that you aren't? It is important to know all aspects of your company to best reach your goals.

Action Plans

You need to have a path to get where you are going. We help you create an easy-to-follow plan to keep you on track and pushing forward towards your goals.


Our clients love working with us

Randi and her entire team are pretty amazing

Not only are they a joy to work with, but they are all beyond knowledgable, well-connected, and well respected in the community. Randi understands the challenges of startup-sized businesses and larger corporations and is supportive and thoughtful in her plan and execution to deliver the best outcome and growth-oriented results for her clients. I highly recommend Randi Sorenson and her team and feel that any company large or small would be lucky to work with them.
Lauren Berkovitz
Lauren B Beauty